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An event organiser's guide to the technical bits

Updated: Jul 6, 2020

Every event planner knows that reliable and high-performing technology is a crucial element to the overall success of their event and the perfect customer experience.

With digital, mobile, and event interactive technologies now expected as part of the basic elements of event production, you may find that you need to partner with a high number of technical resources, so that all the bases are covered.

With all this whirling around your head, two issues arise: Expectation and Trust.

Organising an event is like herding cats.  The technical bit is probably the least of your worries

With event logistics and ‘herding cats’ as your primary tasks when organising an event, thinking of the technical aspect of running the show can fall further down your list of things to worry about.  This can mean that the requirements of the technical guys can be overlooked or at best left to a point of no return and the technical element will have to fit around plans that have already been agreed.  There is an expectation that this is ok and “you guys will come up with a solution”.  Of course we do but with a bit more involvement earlier in the project, perhaps we would not have to.

Quite often you are, to some degree, in control of all aspects of your event but the technical bit can seem daunting and for that reason there has to be a lot of trust here.  All that kit wheeled in by burly men (and women) dressed in black, you can only hope they know what to do with it.  There has to be a great degree of trust in this aspects of the event.  Having a greater understanding of the technical requirements will help build this trust, so as far as this part of your event is concerned, you can sleep easy at night.

All that kit wheeled in by burly men (and women) dressed in black, you can only hope they know what to do with it

At Ground:zero we feel that a little insight into the world we live in will help you understand the requirements that help us to help you.   For that reason we are putting together a checklist of essential audio visual requirements that can be easily over looked during the early planning process of any event.

These insights will be published monthly until a comprehensive checklist exists for you to review.  We hope to keep them light hearted but if you sense an underlying rant, it’s only because we care.

We know it’s important that your client wants their event held next to their favourite golf course but our goal is to make the event remembered for the show and not the hole in one!

If you would like to know more, please do not hesitate to give us a call on 01634 841663

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